Kommunale Kindertagesstätte Jutta-Gottlieb-Haus - Hort

Erste bis vierte Klasse (Maximales Aufnahmealter 14 Jahre)

Kommunale Kindertagesstätte Jutta-Gottlieb-Haus - Hort
Schulstr. 3a
95145 Oberkotzau
Funding authority
Markt Oberkotzau (LK)
Am Rathaus 2
95145 Oberkotzau
09286 4868650 (Melissa Neudert - Gesamtleitung/Verwaltung)
09286 4868650 (Kinderhort)
Opening times7:00 AM - 4:30 PM o'clock
Closing days- Zwei Wochen im August
- Ein Planungs- und Konzeptionstag
-Ein Tag für Betriebsausflug
- Schließzeit zwischen Weihnachten und Hl. drei König
Foreign languages German
Denomination christian
Specially educational concept daily routine language education, intercultural education, livebased approach, Montessori education, partially open concept, Situation orientated approach
Extras Barrier-free, care with lunch, full day care

Current information

Online care requests are currently not possible. Please contact the facility directly on 09286/ 4868650 or kinderhort@jutta-gottlieb-haus.de. You will find a pre-registration form on our homepage under the link provided: https://kommkita.oberkotzau.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Voranmeldung.pdf


Our state-approved Jutta-Gottlieb-Haus after-school care center is a public institution run by the market town of Oberkotzau. As an institution that complements the family, the after-school care centre, which was built directly next to the Oberkotzau primary and secondary school, represents a further socialization instance for children of primary school age. The after-school care center, which opened in September 2023, currently offers space for two groups of 25 children each and can be expanded if required. The newly constructed building with homework, functional and everyday rooms was put into operation in April 2024 and thus completes the care and education offer of the Oberkotzau market with crèche, kindergarten and after-school care. 

During the construction and architecture of the day nursery, the focus was on sustainability with a feel-good factor. The first thing that catches the eye is the nature-adapted look of the ecological timber construction. In order to fully embrace the ecological orientation, the building is equipped with state-of-the-art technology such as a photovoltaic and ventilation system, a heat pump and a complete green roof at the front of the building.



Räumlichkeiten im Kinderhort:

- drei Hausaufgabenräume

- vier Funktionsräume

  • Kunst- und Kreativraum
  • Spiel- und Spaßraum
  • Träumen und Entspannen
  • Werken und Forschen

- Mensa mit anschließender Küche

- Grünes Klassenzimmer (Atrium)

- Mehrzweckraum

- Garderobe

- geschlechtsspezifischer Sanitärbereich

- Verwaltungsbereich mit Leitungsbüro



Outdoor Facilities

Der neu errichtete Hort verfügt über ein sehr großzügiges Außengelände, welches auf 2700 m² reiner Nutzfläche herrvoragend Platz zum Spielen und Toben bringt. Aus allen Funktionsräumen können die Kinder in den weitläufigen Außenbereich mit einem Kletterparcours, Sandkasten einem Fußballfeld und einem Bewegungsareal gelangen. Eine große Terrasse lädt zum gemütlichen Verweilen an der frischen Luft ein. Um das Umweltbewusstsein und den Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken zu schulen und auszuleben, bieten Hochbeete und Pflanzflächen Lernanregungen für die Kinder und kommen besonders im grünen Klassenzimmer (Atrium) zur Geltung. 

Als weiteres Bewegungsangebot steht uns die fussläufig entfernte Saaletalhalle zur Verfügung, welche mit vielfältigen Turn- und Sportgeräten ausgestattet ist. 

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/02/2025 07:38:07)

Offered care types at Feb 23, 2025:

Kind of care
 Hort mit Ferienbetreuung als Zusatzbuchung in Absprache mit der Einrichtung


What makes the Jutta-Gottlieb-Haus day nursery special:

Our mission statement is based on Pestalozzi's statement.

In response to the question:

“How does human life succeed individually and collectively”?

Pestalozzi replied:

“Love is never awakened otherwise than through love, trust never otherwise than through trust”.

Education aims first and foremost at love and responsibility, at inner commitment, justice, respect for life and appreciation of the environment. A child who feels comfortable, has confidence and forms a close bond is ready to learn and grow.

We see special opportunities here in ecological work, because natural habitats are a very suitable environment for awakening and conveying a love for our environment.

Our ecological nursery is future-oriented and shapes a lifestyle that could be described as “sustainable / responsible” or “in harmony with creation”. If you consider the sustainable timber construction with a feel-good factor, modern technology with a heat pump, photovoltaic and ventilation system and green roofs, you can already see the basis of our mission statement here.

For us, sustainable education not only means imparting ecological awareness and basic ecological knowledge, but also developing the personalities of the children entrusted to us and awakening their ethical compass for the direction and success of their lives, as well as their empathy towards their fellow human beings.

A prerequisite for positive personality development is the direct experience of affection and security, acceptance and trust, recognition and affirmation. For us, this means that we take into account the children's needs for sufficient free space, such as active recreation after the school day, but also for security, movement, rest, spontaneity and reliability. We attach great importance to exercise and experiencing nature.

Appreciation, well-being, learning, protection

Playing, climbing, moving

Seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling, hearing

Dancing, singing, making music

Reading aloud, researching, experimenting, discovering

Celebrating, experiencing, enjoying, marveling

Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/02/2025 07:38:07)
Care providers are responsible for all profile content. (State: 13/02/2025 07:38:07)

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